OCDS Live-in Care is a modern full-time care solution that allows you or your loved one to stay at home in familiar, relaxed surroundings with a comfortable routine. There is none of the disruption or confusion that often comes with a move to a new unfamiliar environment and the level of care and support is incomparable. For those that value their independence, that want to stay behind their own front door and not have to leave their cherished home or pets, OCDS Live-in Care is the perfect solution. A fully trained Live-in Carer lives in the home and provides bespoke one-to-one full time care and companionship, following an agreed care plan that is personalised to the individual. The costs of OCDS Live-in Care are comparable to many nursing or care homes; a financial advantage of OCDS Live-in Care is that, unlike the cost of a Care home, the cost of one-to-one in home care can be offset against the capital appreciation of the property which remains a viable asset.

Bespoke, personal one-to-one home care

Each individual care plan is put together in conference with those that are familiar with existing routines and needs. Each plan is arranged on your terms and is designed to meet existing preferences for medications, meals and eating times, naps and favoured activities. And as needs change, a one-to-one care plan offers the flexibility to change with those needs. OCDS Live-in Carers all have specialist training to match their compassionate, caring natures; it takes a special sort of person to be a Live-in Carer and we’re delighted to have so many professional, supportive and trusted individuals on our staff.

OCDS Live-in Care offers peace of mind

Families who entrust their loved ones to Live-in Care from OCDS Healthcare Limited rest easy with the peace of mind that someone is always on hand; that someone is providing care, companionship and taking care of household chores.  A Live-in Carer offers personal care assistance 24/7. They sleep in their own room at the house and follow a bespoke care plan created specifically for their client. They are on hand to help with personal care such as toileting, bathing or overseeing medication or mobility; they keep up with the housekeeping chores such as cooking, cleaning, laundry and shopping. And often of greatest importance, they spend quality time with their companion, chatting and keeping them company. When you put all this together it means that when family comes to visit, they don’t have to worry about going to the shops, cleaning the house or making sure that medication has been taken. The family can visit or call whenever they want and spend quality time with each other, enjoying one another’s company knowing that their loved one is in the best possible place and in the best possible hands.

Live-in or Care Home?

There are many things to consider when contemplating how to handle the care of a loved one. The choice whether to opt for Live-in Care or to place your loved one in a Care Home really comes down to choosing a greater level of independence and flexibility or a more fixed regimen.

Live-in Care offers independence

Whilst there are many positives to Care Homes, they cannot offer bespoke one-to-one care assistance in your own home on your own terms. Due to the nature of caring for a large group of individuals, they need to have fairly strict rules that keep the home running efficiently. They can’t always offer the flexibility of simple things like eating what you want, going to bed when you want, watching what you like on television. These simple things are important when considering the mental well-being of your loved one; beloved pets get to stay home too! The benefits of allowing the elderly to retain their individuality and independence in their later years cannot be underestimated; this is particularly true for dementia conditions where maintaining continuity and familiarity of routine is especially important. With the flexibility of OCDS Live-in Care, the family can visit on their own schedule and can have more hands on involvement if they choose to. A bespoke care plan, delivered on a one-to-one basis, is a level of personal care that Care Homes cannot compete with. Whilst the costs of Live-in care and Care Homes are comparable, the level of personalised care certainly isn’t.

Live-in Care – The choice for the 21st Century

With traditional family values being eroded due to the complexity and pace of life in the 21st century, many families no longer have the option to take on the task of caring for the older generation. Consequently difficult, emotive decisions have to be made; decisions that have financial as well as emotional consequences. One such financial question you have to ask yourself when facing this decision is ‘Is this is the best time to put an empty house on the market?’ As the UK population gets older and life expectancy continues to increase, the pressure on residential care homes will also continue to increase. Many private homes have faced closure due to reduced funding, spiralling costs and new regulations. Even government legislation (the NHS and Community Care Act 1990) favours home care packages over nursing or residential home care.

Live-in Care Enquiry

Your Full Name:

Your Email:

Your Telephone

Tell us about the person who needs Live-in Care.

Full Name:


Home Address:

Post Code:

Patient Needs:

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