Some suggested questions to ask when interviewing a Nanny

  1. What is your current position and why do you want to leave?
  2. What are you looking for in your next position?
  3. What references do you have?
  4. How flexible are you?
  5. Have you booked any Holidays?
  6. When would you be available to start?
  7. What salary are you seeking?
  8. Would you accept the position if it were offered to you now?
  9. How would you entertain the children on a day to day basis?
  10. How would you keep the children occupied on a rainy day?
  11. What would you do if we were late back from work?
  12. Can you cook?
  13. What would you cook for a baby aged 0-1 or a child aged 2-5?
  14. Could you help my child/children with weaning, table manners, potty training, reading and writing?
  15. Are you trained in First Aid?
  16. What would you do in the case of an emergency, such as: a bad cut, burns, blow to the head, choking, high fever?
  17. How do you see your role in disciplining my child/children?
  18. Are you happy to baby-sit? Would you except to be paid extra for this?
  19. When did you pass your driving test? (ask to see their licence)
  20. Are you able to drive a manual or automatic car?
  21. What type of car do you have? Will it take child car seats?
  22. What type of insurance do you have (fully comp / 3rd party)
  23. Do you have insurance to carry employers’ children in your car?